Colchester Woodturners 2018
Colchester Woodturners 2018
Colchester Woodturners November 2022
Constitution - All previous Constitutions are rescinded.
The Club shall be called the 'Colchester Woodturners Branch', hereinafter referred to as the Club.
1. Objectives
The objectives of the Club are to:
1.1 To foster a greater awareness of the woodturner’s art and craft.
1.2 To provide relevant news and information at branch meetings.
1.3 provide a forum for members to meet; to encourage communication, and exchange of views, ideas, tips, skills, and techniques related to woodturning.
1.4 To arrange demonstrations by professionals and club members to encourage all to aim for and achieve a higher level of skill.
1.5 To take full advantage of our position as an affiliated branch of the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain for the benefit of members.
1.6 encourage participation in the sharing of practical skills to both young people and adults though demonstrations and 'hands on' sessions to experience the art and craft of woodturning.
1.7 Where possible to promote the craft of woodturning within the local community and pass on skills to a wider audience and to promote links within the community, in particular involving support of charitable projects.
2.1 Membership of Colchester Woodturners Branch shall be open to anyone on payment of an annual subscription provided that the membership does not exceed a number to be determined by the Committee.
2.2 Membership shall require membership of the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (AWGB) whether this is through Colchester Woodturners Branch, direct or through another club.
2.2.1 If subscription to the AWGB is acquired through Colchester Woodturners Branch then the Club will be the beneficiary of a discount from the AWGB to be set annually at the occasion of their AGM and will be per member.
2.3 Membership confers the following privileges:
2.3.1 attending Club meetings and participating in any activities organised by the Club for its members.
2.3.2 receipt of the Club Newsletter by e-mail
2.3.3 attending social activities organised by the Club (Associate members are welcome at these events)
2.3.4 participation in competitions, exhibitions, and any external events where the Club participates.
2.3.5 voting at Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings. to vote upon constitutional and other matters and to serve, if elected, on the Executive Committee of the Club
2.4 Membership entails the acceptance of responsibility for maintaining the good name of the Club at all times and an interest in furthering the aims of the Club.
2.5 The Committee may confer Honorary Member status, with free or complimentary subscription for a defined period or life, to any person for their contributions to woodturning benefiting the Club or the art and craft of woodturning.
2.6 Guests and prospective members are welcome by prior arrangement with the Secretary and may attend one meeting prior to applying for membership.
2.7 Resignation from the Club shall be given by notice in writing after fulfilling all obligations to it.
2.8 Any competitions organised by the Club are governed by rules set by the Committee. These will be available in advance of the competition.
3 Branch Rules
3.1 Branch rules as laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee of the AWGB shall apply in full to this Branch of the AWGB.
3.2 A Ballot may be held once a year to elect one of the members of Colchester Woodturners Branch to stand for election to the Executive Committee of the AWGB.
3.2.1 Nominations for the Executive Committee of the AWGB may be submitted to the Honourable Secretary by whatever date is specified by the Executive Committee. Nominations must be signed by the Nominee and a Seconder both of whom must be members of the AWGB. All nominations must be accompanied by a 50 word statement written by the Nominee explaining why he/she is standing for the Committee.
3.3 As an affiliated Branch we will be invited to send a representative to an Annual Meeting to be held at an appropriate time and which will be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee.
3.3.1 The name of the elected candidate may be sent to the Branch Co-ordinator of the AWGB six weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Whether attending the meeting or not the Club will be invited to vote by means of a postal ballot, for up to four persons, to stand for the Executive of the AWGB. The election of the four members shall be voted in such a way as to represent the geographical spread of Great Britain.
3.3.2 Ballot papers must be sent to the Branch Co-ordinator at least one week prior to the Annual Meeting.
3.3.3 The Executive Committee of the AWGB shall have the power to co-opt AWGB Members from outside its number to undertake specific tasks or duties for a period deemed necessary.
4. Members Responsibilities
4.1 All members are responsible for their own safety, they should read and understand the Club Health and Safety Policy, the AWGB guidance and the HSE document 5 steps to Risk Assessment, together with the operating instructions for all their equipment and tools. Members who identify any Health and Safety risk, or any act or omission, that could harm members or bring the Club into disrepute should rectify it and / or report it to a committee member immediately.
4.2 Members should satisfy themselves that they have adequate insurance to cover themselves for their personal injury and liabilities when undertaking their personal woodturning activities as this cover is not provided by Club insurance. Details of Club insurance are available on request.
4.3 Membership of the Club is conditional upon:
4.3.1 providing up-to-date contact details including name, address, phone number and email address (these will only be available to the committee for administrative purposes and will not be provided to anyone else, including other club members, without individual's consent)
4.3.2 Abiding by all of the rules of the Club and the reasonable directions of the committee and their organisers, including but not limited to the Clubs Health & Safety policy, competition rules etc.
4.3.3 conducting themselves in a courteous manner that positively promotes woodturning both as an individual and when representing the Club.
4.4 If a club member wishes to participate in certain Club events e.g., Club demonstrations, demonstrations to outside bodies or attending craft shows etc. whilst representing the Club, they may be required to demonstrate to the Committee that they possesses the necessary competent skills.
4.5 Where members intend to represent the Club at external events, they should provide relevant information to the Secretary at least 4 weeks in advance.
The Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of ‘protected characteristics The relevant characteristics for private clubs and other associations are: • disability • gender reassignment • pregnancy and maternity • race – this includes ethnic or national origins, colour, and nationality • religion or belief – this includes lack of belief • sex, and • sexual orientation. The club will not accept any behaviour or comments made which could cause harassment to other members, whether it be by comment, innuendo, (including 'banter' or 'jokes'), or contact . Any member causing such problems will be given one warning, should further instances occur then action may be taken as outlined in rule 9.9.
5. Health and Safety
5.1 The Club has a Health and Safety Policy, together with a Risk Assessment Form.
A risk assessment is required for the following:
Club meetings } To be completed by a Club member.
Club Craft Shows } nominated by the committee on behalf of the Club.
Members wishing to buddy / mentor others in their workshop.
Members attending any woodturning related event where they require cover under the Club insurance.
5.2 For Members' activities (where they wish to take advantage of the Club insurance) the individual member must complete and sign the Risk Assessment or Notice of Intent where it is impractical to conduct the Risk Assessment prior to the event.
5.3 Risk Assessment forms are valid for one year unless there are significant changes to the circumstances assessed, in which case the assessment should be updated.
5.4 All Risk Assessment and Notice of Intent forms must be lodged with the Secretary as custodian in order for them to be effective. The forms are a self-declaration, and the Secretary is not responsible for checking or otherwise validating them.
5.5 The Club Health & Safety Policy and Risk Assessment Form etc., which may be amended by the committee as necessary, will be published on the Club website, and in the Club newsletter whenever there are significant changes.
6. Safeguarding Policy
6.1 Any person who is under the age of 18, or is a vulnerable person, must be accompanied at all times by an adult/carer who takes full responsibility for the safety and actions of the junior member or vulnerable person whilst participating in Club activities. As such there is no need for members to undertake a DBS (formerly CRB) check.
6.2 Members must immediately stop, and report to a committee member, any action or activity that they think may be inappropriate, or potentially harmful, for a junior member or a vulnerable person.
7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
7.1 The AGM will be held each year as soon as practicable after the end of the Club financial year on 30th September. This will normally be at the October Club meeting.
At least 14 days prior to the AGM a notice will be sent to all members together with an agenda for the meeting.
7.2 The business of the annual general meeting shall be:
Apologies for absence
Acceptance of the minutes of the previous AGM
1) Matters arising
2) To receive the Chairman’s review
3) To receive the Treasurer’s report and approve the accounts for the last financial year
4) To receive the Secretary's report
5) To elect the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and other members of the committee to serve the club for the following year
6) To vote on any motion put by the Treasurer in respect to variation of annual subscriptions.
7) To vote on any motions put to the membership through the rules of the AGM.
8) To transact any other business of the Club included in the notice convening the meeting. Other business to be discussed should be given in writing to the Secretary no less than 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, such items will be notified to members by email where practical or will be presented to members at the AGM. Only exceptionally will items be introduced at the AGM at the discretion of the Chairman.
7.3 Nominations, Proposals and Motions put to the Annual General Meeting shall be carried by a simple majority of votes cast except where Material Change to the Constitution is proposed.
7.4 Any motion considered by the Committee to call for a Material Change in the Constitution shall require a majority of at least two thirds of the votes cast in order to be carried.
8. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
8.1 An EGM shall be convened either upon the order of the Committee or upon a written request signed by not less than 10% of the members, stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened, sent to the Secretary. At least 28 days prior to the EGM a notice will be sent to every member's email address, specifying the type of meeting, stating the time date and place thereof and the nature of the business for which it is convened. This meeting shall not normally transact any business that is not mentioned in the notice convening the meeting.
8.2 Only fully paid up members of the Club shall be entitled to attend and vote through the AGM.
9. Management Committee
9.1 The Club shall have a management committee (in this constitution referred to as ‘the committee’) who shall oversee the running of all of the activities of the Club on behalf of the members.
9.2 The committee shall have as its Officers, the Chairman of the Club, the vice Chairman, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. Plus at least four other members.
9.3 The Committee shall meet at intervals determined by the business of the Club but no less than twice a year. These meetings will normally be convened by the Secretary with the Chairman but can be called at any time if three or more members of the Committee so require.
9.4 The Chairman shall exercise the casting vote if any voting at a Committee meeting shall otherwise be equal. If the Chairman of the Club is not present, then the Committee will elect its own chairman from its number for that meeting.
9.5 The Committee members are elected on a rotational basis at the Annual General Meeting. Every five years the Members elect the ‘Officers’ of the club, namely the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, in the absence of nominees an extension could be exceptionally granted with the approval of the members.
9.6 Officers will be elected annually at the AGM. Nominations shall be proposed and seconded by members, with the candidate's consent, and sent to the Secretary not less than 10 days prior to the AGM. Exceptionally nominations may be taken from members at the AGM at the Chairman's discretion.
9.7 The committee shall have the option to invite others to individual committee meetings or co-opt members onto the committee as required.
9.8 The committee shall have the power to appoint working groups, that may include non-Club members, to address particular issues and report back the committee.
9.9 The committee shall have the authority to refuse membership or renewal; suspend or expel any member whose actions or omissions are considered a serious contravention of the rules of the Club or whose actions significantly offend or disrupt other members or are likely to bring the Club into disrepute.
9.10 The committee may approve expenditure up to £200 on any one item. Sums in excess of £200 for any one item shall be approved by a simple majority of the members present at a Club meeting.
9.11 The club will meet monthly, or when directed by the Chairman.
9.12 A quorum will comprise a minimum of 5 committee members. In the case of equality of votes the Chairman's vote will decide the matter.
9.13 The Chairman shall provide strategic direction to the Club, and act as a figurehead.
9.14 The Secretary will ensure safe custody of the records of the Club and ensure that full and accurate records of Committee meetings are kept, and that all Club correspondence is attended to promptly.
9.15 The Committee shall have the power to hold and maintain such Bank Accounts, Building Society Accounts, and other Savings Accounts as are deemed necessary for the business of the Club. All such accounts shall be in the name of the Colchester Woodturners Branch.
9.16 The Treasurer will be responsible for the proper accounting of all monies received on behalf of the Club, for the payment of all duly authorised bills, and will arrange for production of independently examined annual Accounts.
9.17 The disposal of any un-required assets shall be decided by vote of members at a club meeting.
10. Finance
10.1 The financial year of the Club will run from 8th October to 7th October (or a date prior to the November club meeting) of the following year.
10.2 The income and property of the Club, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the objects of the Club and the benefit of the majority of the members.
10.3 All income and expenditure will be accounted for as appropriate, and all monies shall be lodged in a bank account (or accounts) in the name of the Club.
10.4 Cheques of the Club shall only be drawn on the signatures of the Treasurer and one other from two nominated Committee members.
11. Subscriptions
11.1 Subscriptions shall be recommended by the Committee, notified to all club members in advance of and confirmed at a Club meeting for the following year. Any members under the age of 18 on the 1st of January shall pay 50% of the full members subscriptions.
11.2 Subscriptions shall be payable in advance and will be renewable at the November/December meeting.
Membership covers the period 1 January to 31st December. Members joining after 30 June will pay 50% of that year's subs.
11.3 Any member whose subscription remains unpaid following the February Meeting will have relinquished their membership. They may re-apply for membership at any time but may be subject to the application process.
12. Sales
12.1 The Club may sell woodturning related items for the benefit of members. Any stock held by the club will be the property of the Club. The objective will be to make items available to members at an advantageous price.
e.g., by taking advantage of bulk buys or sourcing items from trade suppliers. Club sales should cover all related expenses and make a small profit overall.
12.2 Any vendor wishing to sell goods at the Club must be approved by the committee, and the vendor will pay 5% commission to the club funds.
12.3 A facility will be provided to members wishing to sell their tools, materials, or other items: with the prior agreement of the Secretary.
13. Complaints
13.1 Any complaints should be directed to any member of the Club committee. They will follow up the complaint as appropriate and inform the member of the outcome.
14. Competitions
14.1 The club will hold various competitions throughout the year with prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. plus additional prizes for Novices as and when appropriate.
Judging will be by all members placing their top three choices in order of merit, two members of the committee or other appointed member will oversee and total the points to identify the winners.
14.2 The main Christmas competition subject will be decided and announced by the winner of the previous year’s competition, who will then not be allowed to enter the competition but may submit an entry for critique.
14.3 Two other competitions will be held on Hands on Evenings, these will be announced normally 3 months before the competition date. The club may provide wood and/or may decide on the subject. These competitions will have no restrictions on previous winners.
15. Dissolution of Colchester Woodturners Branch
15.1 If the Committee shall decide that the Club shall be dissolved then the Committee shall by issue of a notice to all Members of the Club arrange for debts, liabilities, taxes, and other dues to be paid in full.
15.2 If on the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any assets or property, the same shall be paid to in equal shares to all paid up members at that time.
Proposed and adopted at the 2022 AGM by
Colchester Woodturners Branch 1/23