Club Programme and Demonstrators 2025
Colchester Woodturners club meets are always the 1st Monday of each month.
Apart from bank holiday months, when the club meets on the following Monday.
2025 Programme
January 6th Simon Hope - Performing his usual magic.
January 20th Hands on night at the PRC
February 3rd Stephen Kearvell from Kings Lynn Woodturners
March 3rd Darren Breeze - His 3rd consecutive year this time doing something amazing with colour.
April 7th Hands on evening and Competition night
May 12th Peter Nichols from NB Timbers.
June 2nd Terry Smart from Chestnut products.
July 7th Hands on Evening & Competition
August 4th Nick Rowe - One of our own members.
September 1st Dave Stovell - Demonstrating Green Woodworking.
September 13th Martin Saban-Smith from Hampshire Sheen will delight on our Annual all day event. (Saturday) Members £10.00 Guests £12.00
October 6th AGM plus extra event tbc.
November 3rd Mark Wallington - The return of another of our own members.
2026 Annual Membership fees due
December 1st To be confirmed & Competition
2026 Annual Membership fees due